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07 November. 2001-
Time to get some rest
By Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia will not play in Pattaya, Thailand as she
decided to take a break after every week of play since Wimbledon. Reportedly she
will spent her vacation in Serbian capital city Belgrade where she has a house.
Dokic said that she will not play Australian open because Australia is far away.
Because lack of time I would not be able to report every day. Therefore please
go to message board for latest news and updates as I shall try to post some
there. E-mail me if message board does not work. Tank's to Ibrahim Acikgoz who
is new video creator of DokicJelena.com. Videos will be posted in a week.
Q: Where do you think you’ll be this time next year at WTA
Jelena: I had very good year. I haven’t even planned to enter top ten this
season. It is going to be very hard to stay there, but for now my plan is to
stay there and to play good tennis.
Q: It is very clear even now that you are one of the hottest favorites for the
best sportsman/woman of the year in Yugoslavia. Would you like to win that
Jelena: Of course. I have Yugoslavian passport just one year and there is
already chance for me to be best sportsperson of the year. I’d be very happy.
Q: Who is the best tennis player for you at the moment?
Jelena: I think that there are lot of good tennis players. Williams and
Davenport have played fewer tournaments this year but they have best results.
Than there are Davenport and Capriati who are taking over each other for the top
spot. In my opinion the most powerful are Davenport and Williams. They have very
different style but for me they are the best.
Q: Has media attitude changed towards you since you turned 18 and got Yu
Jelena: Since I took Yu passport last season, all my titles I won as a Yugoslav.
My attitude towards media has changed, I had lot of problems while I lived in
Australia, but I’ve learnt something. The media attitude hasn’t changed since I
turned 18.
Q: Why does Jelena won’t play Australian Open?
Jelena: I’ve played a lot of tournaments this year and I really want good rest.
Australia is very far and travelling there would be a strain for me. Even though
I’ll miss first Grand Slam I plan to start playing earlier than last season.
This year I started In April and next one I’ll start February.
Q: Have you got the chance to see Yugoslavia?
Jelena: Not yet, but I plan to stay her for long time and I’ll have plenty time
for things like that.
Jelena's November Belgrade vacation |
Here is interview in Serbian sent to me by Madonna. I did not have time to
translate it and if someone of you has send me on my e-mail.
Uvek su postojale teniserke koje ne odgovaraju drugim
teniserkama i to je slucaj sa Lindzi Devenport i
Jelenom Dokic.Nasa Jelena je imala dosta problema sa
igrom protiv Devenportove,sto se najbolje videlo u
poslednja dva meca.Lindzi ima snazan servis,kao i
retern,a to ne odgovara Dokicevoj.Primetio sam i da je
Amerikanka za nijansu brza nego ranije,tako da
kombinacijom tih elemenata dobijate pravu tenisku
masinu-smatra Radmilo Armenulic,savezni selektor
jugoslovenskih reprezentacija.
Devenportova vodi sa 5:0 u pobedama protiv Jelene
Dokic.Da li to moze negativno da utice na nasu
-Kao sto sam rekao,igra Lindzi ne odgovara Dokicevoj,i
to je osnovni problem.Takodje,ona je daleko iskusnija
i snaznija od Jelene,ali to ne treba da je opterecuje
i siguran sam da ce uskoro srusiti nepobedivost
Devenportove.Mozda ne u Minhenu,ali vrlo
brzo,verovatno na betonu ili sljaci.Odranije znam da u
Minhenu forsiraju najbrzu mogucu podlogu,bar je tako
bilo ranije zbog Borisa Bekera,a to odgovara
Devenportovoj,i recimo Sereni Vilijams.Ne treba
zaboraviti ni da Jelena u prvom kolu igra protiv Megan
Sonesi,teniserke koja se takodje odlicno snalazi na
brzim podlogama.
Sta bi ste savetovali Jeleni da promeni u igri protiv
-Dogovorio sam se sa Damirom Dokicem,Jeleninim ocem,da
je pratim po turnirima i savetujem.U ovom slucaju za
nju je najvaznije da razbije sablon igre Lindzi
Devenport.To znaci da mora cesce da koristi skracene
lopte,kako bi amerikanka izlazila na mrezu.Vazno je i
da je ''lomi'' ritmom,a ne da se drzi samo jednog
udarca.Ne sme da gubi strpljenje,vec da protivnicu
''seta'' po terenu.Pred Jelenom je sjajna buducnost i
nema razloga za brigu.
Jelena Dokic je ove godine igrala u sest finala i
osvojila je tri turnira-Rim,Tokio i Moskvu.
-Samo u jednoj sezoni Jelena je pokazala sav svoj
talenat i budite sigurni da je glavni kandidat za
najbolju sportiskinju Jugoslavije 2001.godini-dodao je
Radmilo Armenulic.
27 October. 2001-
Straight to semi-finales
By Ljubisa Bojic
Dokic of
Yugoslavia had a tough time yesterday but she managed to overcome Alexandra
Stevenson in straight sets, 6-3, 7-5. Stevenson's main resistance was shown in
precious serves. She even got to the lead of 4-2 but Jelena returned to the
match and crush her Alexandra like a ton of bricks. Aggressive comeback of
powerful Jelena stopped Stevenson and totally interrupted her rhythm. Therefore
there is a hope that Dokic of Yugoslavia is mature now and ready to make camback
from every problem-situation.
However if Jelena goes all the way to finales
she would play against Lindsay Davenport. Fans will certainly wait another
collision with hope that Jelena has enough both experience and hard-work to
Contrary today's job should be easy. Jelena
Dokic will play against Iroda Tulyaganova of Uzbekistan. She defeated Tatiana
Panova 6-2, 6-4 at yesterday'a center court match.
Tulyaganova (Uzbekistan)
Birth Date: 07 Jan. 1982
Birth Place: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Turned Pro: 1999
Plays: Right (two handed backhand)
Singles Rank: 26 (as of 22 Oct. 2001)
2001 Uniqa Grand Prix Singles Champion
2001 Sanex Trophy Singles Champion
Head to Head: 1-1
Oct. 1998 World Super Junior (hard): SF (W) 6-3 4-6 6-4
Oct. 2000 Heineken Open Shanghai (hard): QF (L) 3-6 4-6
Jelena Dokic, from
Yugoslavia, seeded third returns the ball to Iva Majoli, from Croatia,
during the Generali Women WTA tournament on Wednesday Oct. 24, 2001 in Linz,
Austria. (AP Photo)
Oct 24, 09:53 PT |
Jelena Dokic, from
Yugoslavia, reacts after defeating Alexandra Stevenson, of the United
States, Friday, Oct. 26. 2001, during their quarter-final match at the WTA
Generali Open tennis tournament in Linz, Austria. Dokic beats Stevenson 6-3,
7-5. (AP Photo/rubra)
Oct 26, 09:49 PT |
Jelena Dokic from
Yugoslavia returns the ball to Alexandra Stevenson of the US, Friday, Oct.
26. 2001 during their quarter final match at the WTA Generali Open tennis
tournament in Linz, Austria. Dokic defeated Stevenson 6-3, 75. (APPhoto/rubra)Oct
26, 09:50 PT |
Generali Ladies Linz
GENERALI LADIES – Linz, Austria, Friday results:
Singles quarterfinals:
Iroda Tulyaganova (UZB) d. (Q)Tatiana Panova (RUS) 6-2 6-4
(3)Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. (Q)Alexandra Stevenson (USA) 6-3
(1)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (6)Sandrine Testud (FRA) 6-1 7-6(7)
(7)Magdalena Maleeva (BUL) d. Chanda Rubin (USA) 6-3 6-3
Doubles quarterfinal:
Elena Tatarkova/ Iroda Tulyaganova (UKR/UZB) d. (3)Virginia Ruano Pascual/Paola
Suarez (ESP/ARG) 6-2 6-3
Seat Open Luxembourg
$170,000 SEAT OPEN LUXEMBOURG, October 22-28, 2001
Friday’s Quarterfinal Singles Results:
(3) Amanda Coetzer (RSA) d. Kveta Hrdlickova (CZE) 3-6, 7-6(2), 7-6(3)
(Q) Tina Pisnik (SLO) d. Meilen Tu (USA) 7-6(1), 7-6(5)
(1) Kim Clijsters (BEL) d. (5) Anna Kournikova (RUS) 7-5, 7-6(2)
(6) Lisa Raymond (USA) d. (4) Anke Huber (GER) 7-6(5), 6-4
24 October. 2001-
Iva Majoli grabs her chances
By Ljubisa Bojic
After her loss in
finales of Swisscom open against Davenport Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia took part
in Generali ladies Linz 2001 and she will face Iva Majoli of Croatia in second
round of that tournament. Iva and Jelena had four meetings and they stand 2:2 in
The message beard is repaired. It should work
so, you can leave your messages. Sorry for interruption caused.
Dokic can enter top 8 players in the if she
has good results in current tournament.
This is developing story so stay tuned. Again
you can write your news and opinons on the message board
Generali Ladies Linz
Tuesday results:
Singles first round:
Daja Bedanova (CZE) d. Nadia Petrova (RUS) 6-3 1-6 7-6(5)
(Q)Alexandra Stevenson (USA) d. Cristina Torrens-Valero (ESP) 7-6(4) 6-2
Iroda Tulyaganova (UZB) d. (Q)Anastasia Myskina (RUS) 6-2 6-2
Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) d. (LL)Denisa Chladkova (CZE) 3-6 7-5 7-5
Ai Sugiyama (JPN) d. Barbara Schett (AUT) 3-6 7-6(1) 6-3
Doubles first round:
(3)Virginia Ruano Pascual/Paola Suarez (ESP/ARG) d. Tatiana Garbin/Janette
Husarova (ITA/SVK) 4-6 6-3 6-4
Els Callens/Chanda Rubin (BEL/USA) d. Laura Montalvo/Magui Serna (ARG/ESP) 7-5
Sandrine Testud/Roberta Vinci (FRA/ITA) d. (1)Kimberly Po-Messerli/Nathalie
Tauziat (USA/FRA) 7-5 7-6(4)
Jelena Dokic/Nadia Petrova (YUG/RUS) d. Tina Krizan/Katarina
Srebotnik (SLO/SLO) 6-4 6-4
Elena Tatarkova/Iroda Tulyaganova (UKR/UZB) d. Martina Navratilova/Arantxa
Sanchez-Vicario (USA/ESP) 7-6(4) 6-4
WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE Center Court: Starting at 2:00p.m.
Tauziat vs. Rubin
Majoli vs. Dokic
Not before 5:00
Dementieva vs. Schwartz
Not before 6:30
Sanchez-Vicario vs. Serna
Schett/Vis vs. Majoli/Nagyova
Seat Open Luxembourg
$170,000 SEAT OPEN LUXEMBOURG, October 22-28, 2001
Tuesday’s First Round Singles Results:
Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) d. (Q) Andrea Glass 6-4, 6-3
Lubomira Bacheva (BUL) d. (8) Francesca Schiavone (ITA) 7-6(4), 6-2
(6) Lisa Raymond (USA) d. Marta Marrero (ESP) 6-2, 2-6, 6-4
Anabel Medina Garrigues (ESP) d. (Q) Maria Emilia Salerni (ARG) 7-6(6), 6-2
(5) Anna Kournikova (RUS) d. Jana Kandarr (GER) 6-4, 7-5
Jennifer Hopkins (USA) d. (WC) Virginie Razzano (FRA) 6-2, 4-6, 6-4
Cara Black (ZIM) d. Elena Bovina (RUS) 6-4, 6-0
Meilen Tu (USA) d. (7) Anne Kremer (LUX) 6-3, 6-3
Tuesday’s First Round Doubles:
(2) Coetzer/Mc Neil (RSA/USA) d. Poutcheck/Rodionova (BLR/RUS) 7-5, 6-0
Lamade/Schnyder (GER/SUI) d. (4) Boogert/Oremans 6-4, 5-7, 7-6(5)
Grandin/Spears (RSA/USA) d. Osterloh/Schneider (USA/GER) 1-6, 6-2, 6-0
Monday’s First Round Singles Results:
(3) Amanda Coetzer (RSA) d. Barbara Rittner (GER) 6-2, 6-2
Patty Schnyder (SUI) d. Gala Leon Garcia (ESP) 7-6(7), 6-0
Kveta Hrdlickova (CZE) d. Lilia Osterloh (USA) 6-2, 6-2
Monday’s First Round Doubles Results:
Marrero/Medina Garrigues (ESP/ESP) d. Fujiwara/Vento Kabchi (JPN/VEN)
6-2, 6-2
20 October. 2001-
Booked ticket for semi-finales
By Ljubisa Bojic
After yesterday's
great victory over Silvia Farina Elia of Italy Dokic made her path to the
semi-finales of Zurich's Swisscom challenge. It was not easy task and Dokic lost
focus on the game as she was down 3:1 in the first set but Jelena managed to
take a first set 6:4. In second set Jelena was loosing 4:1 but managed to pull
back and achieve second set score 7:6. Finally result of the match 6:4, 7:6
shows how things can go wrong way. But it is important that Jelena destroyed all
problems and booked ticket for semi-finales where she will play against
Nathalie Tauziat of France. That should be easy task for hottest player on the
WTA tour and 1oth player in the world.
Courtesy of Neil Paton you will be able to see interview from New Idea
magazine. Jelena gave this interview after her arrival to Florida. |
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Yugoslavia's Jelena Dokic returns
the ball to Italy's Elia Silvia Farina during their quarterfinal match at
the Swisscom Tennis tournament in Kloten, Switzerland, Friday Oct. 19, 2001.
(AP Photo/Keystone, Michele Limina) |
Yugoslavia's Jelena Dokic returns
the ball to Italy's Elia Silvia Farina, during their quarterfinal match at
the Swisscom Tennis tournament in Kloten, Switzerland, Friday Oct. 19, 2001.
(AP Photo/Keystone, Michele Limina)
Oct 19, 13:06 PT |
Anglet, France
Birthdate: October 17, 1967
Birthplace: Bangui, Central African Republic
Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Weight: 139 lbs. (63 kg)
Plays: Right-handed
Status: Pro
Sanex WTA TOUR singles
titles: 8
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 24
Grand Slam titles: 0
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 3
WINNER: Birmingham
SEMIFINALIST: Paris Indoors, Strasbourg, Los Angeles
QUARTERFINALIST: Wimbledon, San Diego, New Haven
FOURTH ROUND: U.S. Open, Miami
Swisscom Challenge
Friday results:, Singles Quarterfinals:
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (Q)Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) 3-6 6-1 6-1
(5)Nathalie Tauziat (FRA) d. (9)Sandrine Testud (FRA) 7-6(4) 7-6(4)
(2)Jennifer Capriati (USA) d. (Q)Marie-Gaiane Mikaelian (SUI) 6-4 6-2
(4)Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. (8)Silvia Farina Elia (ITA) 6-4
Doubles Quarterfinals:
(Q)Asa Carlsson/Ma.Emilia Salerni (SWE/ARG) d. Tathiana Garbin/Janette
Husarova (ITA/SVK) 6-4 6-4
Sandrine Testud/Roberta Vinci (FRA/ITA) d. (5)Martina Navratilova/Arantxa
Sanchez-Vicario (USA/ESP) 6-3 4-6 6-1
Eurotel Slovak Indoor
Quarterfinals- Singles
(4)Rita Grande (ITA)d. Bianka Lamade (GER) 57, 64, 76 (5)
(Q)Adriana Serra-Zanetti d. Lilia Osterloh (USA) 62, 46, 64
Ludmila Cervanova (SVK) d. No. 2 Anne Kremer (LUX) 62, 62
(Q)Martina Sucha (SVK) d. Kveta Hrdlickova (CZE) 75, 46, 63
Doubles - Semifinal Results
Nathalie Dechy/Meilen Tu (FRA/USA) d. Anastassia Rodionova/Caroline
Schneider (RUS/GER) 75, 46, 62
Doubles Quarterfinals Results
(2)Alexandra Fusai/Rita Grande (FRA/ITA) d. Maja Palaversic-Coopersmith/Maria
Vento-Kabchi (CRO/VEN) 67 (4), 62, 61
Friday 19 October. 2001-
Chanda Rubin defeated at Swisscom challange
By Ljubisa Bojic

Hottest player in woman tennis
circuit JelenaDokic won match against Chanda Rubin of America in second
round of Swisscom challenge tournament. Despite result 6-4, 6-4 it was not so
easy as Dokic committed 11 double faults and 34 unforced errors. It will be
Farina Ellia from Italy who will try to challenge our queen. After winning two
important tournaments last month Dokic is expected to become player of the
month. Jelena gained lot of self-confidence that will be required in next
matches of her. Apparently Jelena had spare time that she used to see some
turistic attractions and beaustiful countryside of Switcherland. For latest
reports and updates on developing story log on our message board because we
expect live reports from Zurich. Now see latest interviews from Zurich:
"I haven't played since Moscow and that's tough," said the 10th ranked Dokic.
"But it's something I had to deal with and now that it's done I'm happy.
"The surface here is a little slower than what we have been playing on but
I've got use to it and I think it suits my game."
Interview with
Jelena Dokic (18 October 2001)
Was it a tough match?
Yea but I played her six
months ago so that was also tough, and I’ve been here for a few days, and not to
play till the last day that’s possible is tough, but you know, it’s something
you have to deal with, and now that it’s over and done with, I’m happy.
(Inaudible question)
I think when she started
complaining a little bit, I think that was just concentration. I don’t think it
was my serve really, I had two or three points for 4-1, and then I was two
breaks down, 4-3 and a break down again like I was in the first, so it’s just I
think mental more than anything.
Are you happy with your year?
Yea I am pretty happy with the
way it has gone. My goal wasn’t to be in the top ten this year, but that’s where
I am right now, and you know, to win as many tournaments as I have also wasn’t
my goal, but the year has been really good for me and I have had really good
results on all sorts of surfaces.
How did you find the surface
A little slow I think. The
other indoor tournaments that we’ve been playing at I think were a lot quicker
than this one was, but you know, it’s something I’ve gotten used to and I think
it suits my game.
Dokic made heavy
weather of win over Rubin, Swisscom open, Zurich |
Data on Silvia Farina Ellia of Italy
Milan, Italy and Rome, Italy
Birthdate: April 27, 1972
Birthplace: Milan, Italy
Height: 5' 7 3/4" (1.72 m)
Weight: 137 lbs. (62 kg)
Plays: Right-handed
Status: Pro
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 1
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 8
Grand Slam titles: 0
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 2
WINNER: Strasbourg
FINALIST: Gold Coast
QUARTERFINALIST: Nice, Indian Wells, Amelia Island, Hamburg, Eastbourne, Bahia
FOURTH ROUND: Roland Garros
THIRD ROUND: Australian Open, Wimbledon
Swisscom Challenge
Thursday results:, Singles Main Draw: (second round)
(9)Sandrine Testud (FRA) d. (Q)Iva Majoli (CRO) 7-6(6) 6-4
(4)Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. Chanda Rubin (USA) 6-4 6-4
(Q)Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) d. Barbara Schett (AUT) 6-1 7-6(5)
(Q)Marie-Gaiane Mikaelian (SUI) d. (Q)Tatiana Panova (RUS) 6-1 6-3
Starting at 11:30 a.m.
Carlsson/Salerni vs. Garbin/Husarova
Not before 2:00
Hantuchova vs. Davenport
Testud vs. Tauziat
Not before 6:30
Mikaelian vs. Capriati
Dokic vs. Farina
Navratilova/Sanchez-Vicario vs. Testud/Vinci
Eurotel Slovak Indoor
Second Round - Singles
Kveta Hrdlickova (CZE) d.(3)Francesca Schiavone (ITA) 46, 63, 64
Bianka Lamade (GER) d. (7) Nathalie Dechy (FRA) 63, 64
(Q)Adriana Serra Zanetti (ITA) d. Eleni Danilidou (GRE) 62, 36, 64
Lilia Osterloh (USA) d. Marta Marrero (ESP) 67 (4), 64,62
(4) Rita Grande (ITA) d. Jennifer Hopkins (USA) 64, 62
(Q)Martina Sucha (SVK) d. (5)Denisa Chladkova (CZE) 62, 46, 63
(2)Anne Kremer (LUX) d. (WC) Stanislava Hrozenska (SVK) 61, 63
Quarterfinals- Doubles
Nathalie Dechy/Meilen Tu (FRA/USA) d. Eva Martincova/Francesca
Schiavone(CZE/ITA) 62, 63
Daja Bedanova/Elena Bovina (CZE/RUS) d. Marta Marrero/Anabel MedinaGarrigues
(ESP/ESP) 76(5), 63
Alexandra Fusai /Rita Grande (FRA/ITA) d. Zsofia Gubasci/Jennifer Hopkins(HUN/USA)
61, 61
Thursday 18 October. 2001-
Exclusive interview before match in Zurich
By Ljubisa Bojic
Dokic will
play against Chanda Rubin in second round of Swiccsom challenge on center court
later today. Match is scheduled to start after 2:00 PM. Rubin defeated Angels
Montolio of Spain 6-1, 6-3 in opening round of Zurich tournament. Jelena and
Chanda played at beginning of the year at exhibition tournament in Hong Kong and
Jelena won that match due Chanda's injury. However we don't have realistic
reason for concern considering Dokic's last moth successes. Rubin is great
volley player and it has some very good matches in recent period. Therefore
there is hope that Dokic will not take Rubin lightly and enter match without
Jelena Dokic strikes toward top of
the world (from Vecernje Novosti daily newspaper)
Tennis racquet goes along beauty
10th world tennis player went modeling and she
makes advertisements for everything, from clothes to perfumes. She does not
travel only two months in year. She does not have time for love. Next moth she
will come to Yugoslavia again.
In ancient mythology of Greece beautiful Jelena, daughter of Zevs and Lada,
sister of Kastor and Poluks, was meaning of beauty. According to the legend
Jelena was reason for Trojan war because she was kidnapped from her husband
Menolajus by Paris who was son of Troja’s king Prijam.
Yugoslavia is rich with Jelena’s and her greatest flower is
Jelena Dokic. She is 10th tennis player of the world who is
attracting people with her game and beauty. But holding racquet in hands, making
serves and hitting ball is not easy. For that achievement power is required and
power is destroying feminine. Does Jelena agree with that?
I have not thought about that. Tennis is sport. I think
that we are all feminine.
There are rumors that you walked fashion runway?
It is correct. That goes with tennis. I made
advertisement for everything from clothes to perfumes. All tennis players so
that and it is not bad for game.
You become adult 12th April current year. You
are already in top ten. How do you feel fame?
I did not get to the world of tennis overnight. It was
more like going from one step to another, so I did not notice the difference.
Is it hard to be Jelena Dokic?
Have you ever wished to be regular girl- to go to
university, go to nightclubs?
Maybe sometimes but I picked tennis and I knew what’s
going to be like.
How much has tennis taken from your youth and how much has
it given?
Tennis has given me lot and taken lot from me. It
depends from which angle you are watching. There is great difference between
regular person and person who play tennis.
Do you have friends and time for hanging out with them?
I don’t have a lot of friends. Sometimes we are hanging
out during the tournaments. I travel from 10 to 12 moths. I am changing place
very often. But that is my choice and prize of success.
You have house in Florida and you live like nomad? You
travel from one town to another, from one hotel to another. How do you maintain
I used to that. I live that rhythm for last five years.
Everyone who plays tennis must get used to it. You must be strong
Everybody ask you about boyfriend. Do you have time for
No, So far. I already told you that I travel 10 months
and my boyfriend must be the right one.
With you there is one of the parents always. Who is better?
Family means lot to me. I would not do anything without
of their support. My father Damir has greatest authority in tennis and my mother
Ljiljana is same like every other mother.
You have been in Belgrade for few days?
That time went so fast. It was fantastic. I also trained
here and I have done some jobs.
You said that you would come (to Yugoslavia) again in
Yes because I would like to have some rest, I want to
run from tennis and medias. No hard fillings but next time when I came here I
shall make sure that nobody knows where I am going to have vacation. I shall
meet some our writers. I adore to read poetry and prose.
(About Burek- Serbian special dish) I could not resist
that specialty of our national kitchen in Belgrade. I found one bakery and
burek is much better here than in Sidney.
Her parents and brother Sava are her strongest support. But
when she step out on the court she is alone. What do you think in critical
moments and what do you use to make yourself feel better?
I think only about the match. I enter every match with
positive thoughts and I never think that I will lose some match.
Are you superstitious?
No I am not.
Swisscom Challenge-Zurich,
SUI) Jelena Dokic at the Sanex/Tara party. |
Swisscom Challenge-Zurich,
SUI) Jelena signs Sanex tennis balls for the guests at the Sanex/Tara party |
Swisscom Challenge
Wednesday results: Singles Main Draw: (second round)
(8)Silvia Farina Elia (ITA) d. Lisa Raymond (USA) 6-2 6-4
(2)Jennifer Capriati (USA) d. (WC)Nadia Petrova (RUS) 6-3 3-6 6-2
(5)Nathalie Tauziat (FRA) d. Iroda Tulyaganova (UZB) 6-2 6-4
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. Amanda Coetzer (RSA) 6-3 6-4
Doubles first round:
Els Callens/Chanda Rubin (BEL/USA) d. Iva Majoli/Barbara Schett (CRO/AUT)
3-6 6-4 6-2
(5)Martina Navratilova/Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (USA/ESP) d. Nadia Petrova/Iroda
Tulyaganova (RUS/UZB) 1-6 6-3 6-2
Starting at 11:30 a.m.
Testud vs. Majoli
Not before 2:00:
Dokic vs. Rubin
Hantuchova vs. Schett
Not before 6:30:
Mikaelian vs. Panova
Callens / Rubin vs. Davenport / Raymond
Po-Messerli / Tauziat vs. Coetzer / McNeil
Eurotel Slovak Indoor
First Round - Singles results
No. 4 Rita Grande (ITA #38) d. Anabel Medina Garrigues (ESP # 68) 61, 60
No. 7 Nathalie Dechy (FRA #48) d. Adriana Gersi (CZE #73)62, 63
No. 3 Francesca Schiavone (ITA #35) d. Petra Mandula (HUN #59) 75, 62
Q. Adriana Serra-Zanetti (ITA #108) d. L. Kurhajcova (SVK #223) 62, 76 (4)
Jennifer Hopkins (USA # 52) d.WC L. Dlhopolcova (SVK #172) 64, 75
Second Round Singles
L. Cervanova (SVK #115) d. M. Tu (USA #49) 64, 63
First Round -Doubles results
M. Palaversic Coopersmith (CRO)/M. Vento-Kabchi (VEN) d. A. Glass
(GER)/L. Osterloh (USA) 62, 57, 64
D. Bedanova (CZE)/E. Bovina (RUS)d. No. 4 P. Mandula (HUN)/P. Wartusch (AUT) 63,
Second Round
A. Rodionova (RUS)/C. Schneider (GER)d. No. 1 T. Krizan (SLO)/K.
Srebotnik (SLO) 76 (5), 64
14 October. 2001-
Jelena will strike again for 4th title in Zurich
By Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia will strike again
for her next title in Zurich. Dokic is seeded 4th and got first round bye and
she will play probably against Chanda Rubin of America in second round of Zurich
tournament on Wednesday or Thursday. She has pretty easy draw and we can expect
great display of skills. After that in third round Dokic is expected to face
Anke Huber. That match should be easy but Jelena should not relax her self. If
she go all the way to the semi-finales there is Martina Hingis to beat and I am
almost sure Dokic will do it because of huge motive she has.
DokicJelena.com gave efforts to get live
coverage from Zurich from its members. After her trip to Germany, Dokic will go
to Thailand to play not less important tournament. DokicJelena.com team is
trying to establish its network in Bangkok in order to get live reports from
there as well.
Question of the poll made by Yugoslavian SOS
TV Channel is- Do you think that Jelena Dokic can become number one in tennis
world? Results are- 76.9 voted YES, 15.6 voted- Not soon, 7.5 voted- NO
Here is singles Zurich draw. Doubles draw is not yet
(1) Martina Hingis (SWI) vs BYE
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (ESP) vs Q
WC-Lina Krasnoroutskaya (RUS) vs Iroda Tulyaganova (UZB)
Magdalena Maleeva (BUL) vs Nathalie Tauziat (FRA)
(4) Jelena Dokic (AUS) vs BYE
Angeles Montolio (ESP) vs Chanda Rubin (USA)
Lisa Raymond (USA) vs Q
Anke Huber (GER) vs (8) Silvia Farina-Elia (ITA)
(6) Meghann Shaughnessy (USA) vs Barbara Schett (AUT)
Magui Serna (ESP) vs Q
Anna Kournikova (RUS) vs Amanda Coetzer (RSA)
(3) Lindsay Davenport (USA) vs BYE
(7) Elena Dementieva (RUS) vs Sandrine Testud (FRA)
Q vs Q
Nadia Petrova (RUS) vs WC-Patty Schnyder (SWI)
(2) Jennifer Capriati (USA) vs BYE
Chanda Rubin
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Birthdate: February 18, 1976
Birthplace: Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Height: 5' 6 1/4" (1.68 m)
Weight: 128 lbs. (58 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro (August 1991)
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 3
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 10
Grand Slam titles: 1 doubles
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 2
QUARTERFINALIST: Canberra, Stanford
We expect new photos to come from Belgrade.
Until then enjoy photos from 2000 Jelena visit when she got her Yugoslavian
Photos from late 2000 when
Jelena got to Belgrade to take passport. |
Porsche Tennis Grand Prix
Porsche Grand Prix – Filderstadt, Germany
Saturday results:, Singles semifinals:
(6)Justine Henin (BEL) d. Sandrine Testud (FRA) 6-3 7-6(3)
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (1)Martina Hingis (SUI) 2-1, Ret. (Rt. Ankle
Doubles semifinals:
Justine Henin/Meghann Shaughnessy (BED/USA) d. (1)Martina Hingis/Anna
Kournikova (SUI/RUS) w/o
Lindsay Davenport/Lisa Raymond (USA/USA) d. (4)Kim Clijsters/Barbara Schett (BEL/AUT)
6-2 6-1
Kiwi Open Shanghai
(1) Monica Seles (USA) d Alicia Molik (AUS) 6/1 6/0
Nicole Pratt (AUS) d (7) Rita Grande (ITA) 6/3 6/4
12 October. 2001-
Jelena is safe and sound in Belgrade
Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia arrived to Belgrade today in order to extend visa. Dokic's travel to
Belgrade with her mother Ljiljana is a smart move considering war stage in USA
and very dangerous
threat of anthrax (biological weapon) attack in Florida where Jelena has a house. It is relief for all fans when we know that Jelena is on the
safe place- Yugoslavia.
Jelena has not been in her Belgrade house for
long time, about few months. It is great joy for her to see Belgrade again
although she will not have time to enjoy in it.
Her next scheduled tournaments are in Zurich,
Germany and Papaya, Thailand. These tournaments can help Jelena to go further in
her top-ten list crusade toward 8th place.
EXCLUSIVE: Best Yugoslav tennis player arrived in Belgrade to extend visa
from Austrian -
Serbian newspaper
Dokic: I am on the right
Belgrade- Jelena Dokic who
is Yugoslav tennis queen, arrived in Belgrade. She came together with her mother Ljilja (Ljiljana) to extend visa so she can continue her furious crusade toward
top of tennis world. Jelena Dokic will play in Zurich 17th October for
her next title. When we spoke with her about two years ago she told us that she
has a goal to enter top 15 players in the world. After she won the tournament in
Moscow where she was better than home-crowd-favorite Elena Dementieva, Dokic
entered top ten.
I came to Belgrade, to
extend visa for future competitions. I entered top ten, but our people are great
and they want only the top. I followed matches of Yugoslavian champions- water
polo players, basketball players, and volleyball players. Therefore I realized
that I must chase only first place so I can be on the level of most successful
sport nation in the world. I am very sorry that I will not be able to
enjoy in beauties of Belgrade, but I will find time for that in the future. At a
present it is most important for me to continue with good matches and victories
so I can go further toward top in the list of best tennis players in the world.
You won the finale match
against Elena Dementieva and her home-crowd in Moscow without any problems?
Elena Dementieva will make
great success in the future. I knew that her crowd would cheer aggressively
until she starts to lose. That is characteristic of crowd in Moscow and we
(Serbians) are different from them. I followed matches of Janko Tipsarevic in
Davis cup and I admired support of our crowd until last moment of the match. I
have a dream to play in front my home crowd in Yugoslavia.
What are your future
I already answered that
question. People in our country push our sportsman and sportswoman to the top
with their fantastic support. I need much more effort in order to get to the
top, but I think that I am on the right way to do that- said Jelena Dokic.
Dokic is first seeded- from Vecernje
novosti newspaper
Bangkok (Beta agency)- Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia will be
first seeded in Thailand tennis tournament that will be held at beginning of the
next month- officials of the tournament said.
Tournament’s main sponsor is “Volvo”. Tournament will be
played for reward of US$ 110.000 from 3rd to 11th November this year in city of
Papaya, which is located 111 km east from Bangkok.
Beside Dokic who entered top ten of WTA tour list
yesterday, other competitors will be Bulgarian Magdalena Maleva (16) who won
this tournament in 1999 and defending champion Ane Kremer (32) of Luxemburg.
Other more famous participants of “Volvo” cup are Iroda
Tulagajanova from Uzbekistan and Pati Snajder from Switzerland. There is also
local hope Tamarin Tanasugarn (24) who will try to repeat success dating from
1996 when she got to the finales of the tournament. She has not won her first
professional title until no; last week she lost in Tokyo finales from Monica
(Kremlin Cup - Moscow)
Jelena Dokic leaving the Olympic Stadium after winning her semifinal match.
Porsche Tennis Grand Prix
Porsche Grand Prix – Filderstadt, Germany,
Thursday results: Singles second round:
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (LL)Anne Kremer (LUX) 7-5 6-1
Anke Huber (GER) d. (4)Kim Clijsters (BEL) 6-3 4-6 6-3
Sandrine Testud (FRA) d. Magui Serna (ESP) 6-4 6-4
(6)Justine Henin (BEL) d. Chanda Rubin (USA) 7-5 3-6 6-3)
(LL)Tatiana Panova (RUS) d. (7)Nathalie Tauziat (FRA) 7-6(5) 6-2
Kiwi Open Shanghai
Friday, 12th October 200, Singles Quarterfinals
(7) Rita Grande (ITA) d (4) Ai Sugiyama (JPN) 6/7(3) 7/5 1/0 ret
(Sugiyama was treated on court for thoracic spine injury and retired with this
injury in combination with heat illness)
Alicia Molik (AUS) d (Q) Yoon Jeong Cho (KOR) 7/5 7/5
Nicole Pratt (AUS) d Janet Lee (TPE) 6/2 2/6 6/4
Doubles quarterfinals
Rika Hiraki/Miho Saeki (JPN/JPN) d Nathalie Dechy/Emmanuelle Gagliardi (FRA/SUI)
w/o (Gagliardi withdrew with left quadriceps strain)
10 October. 2001-
As victory of Jelena unfolds, reactions are numerous
Ljubisa Bojic
Dokic announced that she
was forced to withdraw from Kiwi cup in China's town of Shangai. However
there is possibility that Dokic will play in Zirih, Germany.
I'm disappointed I can't
come back to Shanghai, because I had a great time there last year. But after
straining my ankle early in the Moscow final I need to rest it for the upcoming
tournaments. I'm really happy with the way I'm playing right now, so it's a
shame I can't make it to Shanghai this year."
When Dokic won we all knew
that it is beginning of new era in Yugoslavian tennis. There are lot of talented
girls and boys that have great potential. Now they have who to fallow. The same
revolution happened in Belgium when two players entered top ten. Jelena's
splendid performance is not only a sign of her hard-work but also of her
tremendous talent. However this is not end of the story and Jelena is just 18
years old and can do much to improve here game and achieve her full potential.
As a conclusion I would briefly suggest that there is much more material to do
when we talk about Jelena Dokic and maybe this would be the right time to hair
some coach.
Two new fantastic photos of
Jelena Dokic. Both Yeltsin and Clinton watch tennis tournaments around the world
as they have spare time. Yeltsin watched Jelena at Kremlin cup and there are
rumors that he got drunk.
Jelena Dokic celebrates her victory against Russia's Elena Dementieva at the
Kremlin Cup tennis tournament in Moscow, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2001. Dokic
defeated Dementieva, 6-3, 6-3. (AP Photo/str)
Oct 7, 10:16 PT |
Jelena Dokic holds her trophy, as she celebrates after her match against
Russia's Elena Dementieva at the Kremlin Cup tennis tournament in Moscow,
Sunday, Oct. 7, 2001. (AP Photo/str)
Oct 7, 10:44 PT |
Former Russian
President Boris Yeltsin, center, at the Kremlin Cup tennis tournament in
Moscow, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2001, with his wife Naina Yeltsin, right. |
With undertaking Kremlin cup Jelena entered
top ten. Here is the current situation of WTA rankings:
Curr |
Prev |
Name |
Rank Pts |
Qual Pts |
Tours |
1 |
(1) |
5100.00 |
1741.00 |
21 |
2 |
(2) |
4984.00 |
2009.00 |
18 |
3 |
(3) |
4345.00 |
1611.00 |
17 |
4 |
(4) |
4333.00 |
1764.00 |
13 |
5 |
(5) |
3280.00 |
1145.00 |
21 |
6 |
(6) |
2842.00 |
1167.00 |
16 |
7 |
(8) |
2704.00 |
955.00 |
20 |
8 |
(9) |
2508.00 |
894.00 |
14 |
9 |
(7) |
2501.00 |
1062.00 |
9 |
10 |
(11) |
2347.00 |
777.00 |
28 |
I decided to make new
rubric on this web site
and from time to time publish how do people find our web site. Every week on
DokicJelena.com you will be able to see what text is being typed when
information about Jelena Dokic are being searched on World Wide Web. Our
website is a result of following last 20 searched queries:
Porsche Grand Prix – Filderstadt,
Germany, Tuesday results:
Singles Main Draw: (first round)
Magui Serna (ESP) d. (8)Meghann Shaughnessy (USA) 6-3 6-4
(Q)Miriam Oremans (NED) d. (WC)Iva Majoli (CRO) 5-7 6-2 6-3
Chanda Rubin (USA) d. Barbara Schett (AUT) 6-2 7-5
(WC)Patty Schnyder (SUI) d. (Q)Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) 6-3 1-6 7-5
(LL)Tatiana Panova (RUS) d. Amanda Coetzer (RSA) 1-6 6-3 6-2
Anke Huber (GER) d. Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) 6-3 2-6 6-2
(6)Justine Henin (BEL) d. (Q) Elena Bovina (RUS) 6-2 7-5
Doubles first round:
(WC)Jennifer Capriati/Chanda Rubin (USA/USA) d. (Q)Laura Montalvo/Magui
Serna (ARG/ESP) 7-5 6-3
Kveta Hrdlickova/Barbara Rittner (CZE/GER) d. Denisa Hantuchova/Sandrine Testud
(SVK/FRA) 6-4 6-1
Nagyova withdrew with back pain and was replaced in the main draw by (lucky
loser) Tatiana Panova.
Lindsay Davenport / Lisa Raymond (USA/USA) d. (2)Cara Black / Elena Likhovtseva
(ZIM/RUS) 6-4 6-2
Kiwi Open Shanghai
Wednesday , 10th October, Singles
2nd Round
(1)Monica Seles (USA) d Saori Obata (JPN) 6/4 6/2
(7) Rita Grande (ITA) d Ludmila Cervanova (SVK) 6/2 6/4
07 October. 2001-
She is champion, conqueror and queen of tennis
Ljubisa Bojic
strikes back, she is not giving her-self, ball goes on the corner, Dokic bites
her on the weakest point, yeah, YES fantastic punch and Dokic proved once again
that she is champion, conqueror and queen of art of tennis game."
It is 6-3, 6-3, Dokic won it in straight sets and this
goal was accomplished in one hour and eight minutes. What a lovely match and
splendid game that have been displayed in front of central court in Moscow
I played not at all badly today and consider myself ready
for the final," Dokic said before match. And she was more than ready to play
against Elena Dementieva of Russia and her home crowd in Moscow.
Ice is broken and she cannot be stopped. Whit this win not
only she will enter top ten but also beak well-known psychological shield and
make herself consistent player who can win five matches against strong opponents
at one time. Consistency is only way to win major tournaments and grand slams
which should be her next goal.
What is next? Jelena Dokic will visit for first time
beautiful city of Shangai in Shout-east China. After that there is scheduled one
more tournament in Germay's city of Zurich. Jelena shown that she posses
incredible amount of durability. That is making question? Is she human? Someone
would say: No she is a goddess. We will see when she will stop and take a rest
in Yugoslavia or her Belgrade house.
Jelena Dokic returns a shot against Italy's Silvia Farina-Elia at the
Kremlin Cup tennis tournament in Moscow, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2001. Dokic won
6-4, 6-3. (AP Photo/Str)
Oct 6, 11:15 PT |
06 October. 2001-
Jelena Dokic in Moscow finales
Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic won match against Silvia Farina-elia in
straight sets 6-4, 6-3 in the semi-finales of Kremlin cup. Dokic reached finales
and she will face 8th seeded Elena Dementieva of Russia. Some fans of Jelena are
celebrating right now although finales are not finished. Elena Dementieva was
beaten first time this year in Hong Kong in three sets match and should not be
problem. 3rd title will mean entrance to top ten and great progress in number of
taken titles for small time. This will be second title in two weeks
Yugoslav Jelena Dokic, the fifth seed, cruised to a 6-4,
6-3 victory over Russian wild-card entrant Galina Fokinam.
Jelena Dokic won match against Russian Lina
Krasnoroutskaya 6-3, 5-7, 7-5. It was tough match in Moscow and Dokic was not
concentrated in one part of the match.
Germany: Third seed Jelena Dokic met the German bobsled team, amongst the
favorites for gold at next year's Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Photo
from www.sparkassencup.com |
Princess Cup Tokyo - Jelena Dokic signs autographs for several hundred
fans. |
Picture was taken from Jelena
Dokic tour results by Ayaka
No comment photo
Moscow, Russia
Birthdate: October 15, 1981
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Height: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Weight: 141 lbs. (64 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro (August 25, 1998)
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 3
FINALIST: Acapulco
QUARTERFINALIST: Canberra, Nice, Indian Wells, Amelia Island
THIRD ROUND: Australian Open, Wimbledon
QUARTERFINALIST: Amelia Island (w/Dokic), 's-Hertogenbosch (w/Dokic)
Kremlin Cup
Saturday October 5 results: Singles
(5)Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. (6)Silvia Farina Elia (ITA) 6-4 6-3
(8)Elena Dementieva (RUS) d. (WC)Anastasia Myskina (RUS) 6-7(7) 6-1 7-5
Japan Open
Saturday, October 6
Daily Results
Singles Semifinal Round
No. 2 Tamarine Tanasugarn (THA) d. No. 8 Joannette Kruger (RSA) 63 75
Doubles Final
No. 3 Liezel Huber (RSA)/Rachel McQuillan (AUS) d. No. 4 Janet Lee (TPE)/Wynne
Prakusya (INA) 62 60
02 October. 2001-
Kremlin cup will be good move
Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia will play first
round of Kremlin cup in Moscow today against Lina Krasnoroutskaya of Russia.
Dokic needs very small number of points to enter top ten and she can gain enough
by wining few rounds at this highly important tournament in Russia. Although
Krasnoroutskaya will have home crowd cheering for her number of Dokic fans
have been significantly increased since beginning of current year.
Last week Dokic played in Laipzig cup,
Germany, but she reportedly lost first round. She received bad critics that she
is non-stabile and immature player. Her fans know how that famous "hart attack"
tactic works. However prime reason of her loss in Germany is that she is very tired
right now, because of remarkable busy and successful season but she (Jelena)
is willing to play more and to give her last atom of strength in order to open
gate toward ten best players in the World. This (Kremlin cup) is her significant
chance to make her dream, desire and course of the year come true. Entering top
ten will be honor but also great responsibility and Dokic will have to defend
her points, make her stabile and non-shaky on that fragile place and prepare
herself for final strike- Destroying Capriati, Venus and Hingis. These arrogant
players standing on the top must be defeated and we (fans) all know that Dokic
is capable of doing so. At the end I have to excuse myself for not being capable
in gaining time for editing and making this site for few days.
1) 1 Hingis Martina SUI
2 Bye
3 Q
4 Montolio Angeles ESP
5 Kremer Anne LUX
6 Q
7 Nagyova Henrieta SVK
(8) 8 Dementieva Elena RUS
(3) 9 Henin Justine BEL
10 Bye
11 Schett Barbara AUT
12 Likhovtseva Elena RUS
13 Serna Magui ESP
WC 14 Myskina Anastasia RUS
15 Huber Anke GER
(7) 16 Maleeva Magdalena BUL
(5) 17 Dokic Jelena YUG
18 Krasnoroutskaya Lina RUS
19 Kournikova Anna RUS
WC 20 Fokina Galina RUS
21 Petrova Nadia RUS
22 Schiavone Francesca ITA
23 Bye
(4) 24 Tauziat Nathalie FRA
(6) 25 Farina Elia Silvia ITA
26 Q
27 Tulyaganova Iroda UZB
28 Q
29 Torrens Valero Cristina ESP
30 Bedanova Daja CZE
31 Bye
(2) 32 Mauresmo Amelie FRA
Kremlin Cup
Kremlin Cup - Moscow
Wednesday October 3 results:
Singles First Round:
Barbara Schett (AUT) d. Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) 6-1 6-4
(7)Magdalena Maleeva (BUL) d. Anke Huber (GER) 6-3 7-5
Japan Open
Wednesday, October 3, Daily Results
Singles First Round
No. 8 Joannette Kruger (RSA) d. Janet Lee (TPE) 75, 75
No. 5 Marlene Weingartner (GER) d. Evie Dominikovic (AUS) 36, 75, 63
No. 1 Monica Seles (USA) d. Yoon-Jeong Cho (KOR) 62, 63
Nicole Pratt (AUS) d. Rika Fujiwara (JPN) 62, 64
Singles Second Round
No. 3 Ai Sugiyama (JPN) d. Katarina Srebotnik (SLO) 62, 36, 61
Pavlina Nola (NZL) d. No. 7 Nathalie Dechy (FRA) 63, 46, 76(5)
No. 6 Rita Grande (ITA) d. Barbara Schwartz (AUT) 64, 64
Doubles First Round
No. 3 Liezel Huber (RSA) / Rachel McQuillan (AUS) d. Young-Ja Choi (KOR)
/ Ayami Takase (JPN)
76(4), 63
No. 4 Janet Lee (TPE) / Wynne Prakusya (INA) d. Haruka Inoue (JPN) / Maiko Inoue
(JPN) 62, 62
Shinobu Asagoe (JPN) / Tina Pisnik (SLO) d. Zsofia Gubacsi (HUN) / Ka-Po Tong (HKG)
61, 76(0)
No. 1 Tina Krizan (SLO) / Katarina Srebotnik (SLO) d. Emmanuelle Gagliardi (SUI)
/ Meilen Tu (USA)
64 76(5)
Ai Sugiyama (JPN) / Yuka Yoshida (JPN) d. Annabel Ellwood (AUS) / Marlene
Weingartner (GER) 63 61
24 September. 2001-
Jelena Dokic on the top of the world
Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena Dokic won Toyota Princes cup in Tokyo. This is Dokic's second title after
wining Italian open earlier this year. Dokic destroyed Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 6-2
and gained US $ 80000 reward. Dokic had fantastic support from Japanese fans as
she quoted:
``It's great to win here.
I've had a good week, and the Japanese fans were very supportive,'' Dokic said.
``I'm really happy to get my second win of the year.''
Celebrations in Yugoslavia,
Japan and all around the world among fans of Jelena Dokic are registered. We are
all happy now.
After we all celebrate we
will count Jelena's points and how much she needs to enter top ten. We are now
sure that it will be this year.
You can go to
board to discuss with fans around the world...
Open letter to Jelena
Dokic from DokicJelena.com fan community:
Dear Jelena,
You are our adorable and
awesome queen and we all wanted to see this title. You will give us more and
climb on the top of the world. You deserve it and you will get it, you are the
fighter that wants to play fear game of tennis. You are the greatest.
This is the triumph of
months of hard work.
You are the champion
Yours Yuba
on behalf of all fans
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia smiles with the Toyota Princess Cup trophy after defeating
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario of Spain in Tokyo Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001. No. 3
seed Dokic defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 6-2 to win the tournament title
for the first time. (AP Photo/Atsushi Tsukada)
Sep 23, 02:13 PT |
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia jumps in joy after defeating Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario of Spain
to win the Toyota Princess Cup final in Tokyo Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001. No.
3 seed Dokic trounced Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 6-2 and won the tournament
title for the first time. (AP Photo/Atsushi Tsukada)
Sep 23, 02:05 PT |
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia eyes on the ball as she executes a backhand return against
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario of Spain on her way to winning the Toyota Princess
Cup final in Tokyo Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001. No. 3 seed Dokic defeated
Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 6-2 to win the tournament for the first time. (AP
Photo/Atsushi Tsukada)
Sep 23, 02:05 PT |
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia celebrates after making a point against Kim Clijsters of
Belgium during the semifinals of the Toyota Princess Cup tennis in Tokyo,
Saturday, Sept. 22, 2001. Dokic won the match 7-5, 6-4. (AP Photo/Shizuo
Kambayashi) |
Jelena Dokic of
Yugoslavia returns to Kim Clijsters of Belgium during the semifinals of
the Toyota Princess Cup tennis in Tokyo, Saturday, Sept. 22, 2001. Dokic
won the match 7-5, 6-4. (AP Photo/Shizuo Kambayashi) |
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario
of Spain returns the ball against Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia during the
Toyota Princess Cup final in Tokyo Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001. No. 3 seed
Dokic defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 6-2 and took her first tournament
title. (AP Photo/Atsushi Tsukada) |
At the present we are not sure that Jelena Dokic will
attend her next tournament on schedule because she has to decide to play or to
take a rest. However her next scheduled competition is played in
in Germany and this are the seedings:
No. |
Name |
No. |
Name |
1. |
Kim (BEL) |
12. |
Elena (RUS) |
2. |
Nathalie (FRA) |
13. |
Iroda (UZB) |
3. |
Jelena (YUG) |
14. |
Paola (ARG) |
4. |
Meghann (USA) |
15. |
Angeles (ESP) |
5. |
Elia, Silvia (ITA) |
16. |
Magui (ESP) |
6. |
Magdalena (BUL) |
17. |
Cristina (ESP) |
7. |
Elena (RUS) |
18. |
Anne (LUX) |
8. |
Barbara (AUT) |
19. |
Nadia (RUS) |
9. |
Anna (RUS) |
20. |
Iva (CRO) |
10. |
Henrieta (SVK) |
21. |
Denisa (CZE) |
11. |
Anke (GER) |
22. |
Jana (GER) |
Toyota Princess Cup
Singles Final
No. 3 Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. No. 5 Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (ESP) 6/4, 6/2
Doubles Final
No. 2 Cara Black (ZIM)/ Liezel Huber (RSA) d. No. 1 Kim Clijsters (BEL)/Ai
Sugiyama (JPN) 6/1, 6/3
Bell Challenge
Singles Semifinals
No. 4 Iva Majoli (CRO #37) def. Martina Sucha (SVK #100) 6-4, 7-5
No. 1 Meghann Shaughnessy (USA #12) def. No. 3 Anne Kremer (LUX #36) 7-6 (5),
Doubles Semifinals
S. Reeves (USA)/A. Serra-Zanetti (ITA) def. S. Jeyaseelan (CAN)/L.
Osterloh (USA) 6-1, 6-3
K. Koukalova (CZE)/A. Vaskova (CZE) def. A. Kremer (LUX)/K. Ionesco (CAN) 3-6,
6-2, 7-5
23 September. 2001- Jelena Dokic into
semifinals in Tokyo
By Milan
The best Yugoslavian tennis
player Jelena Dokic has qualified for semifinals match of international WTA
tournament in Tokyo. The tournament is played for the money prize of 565.000 $.
Jelena was better than American Meilen Tu in the quarterfinals match played
today in Tokyo. She celebrated a 6:2,6:2 win where she came up with a powerful
serve with almost no mistakes. Beside this, Jelena’s game was so precise,
confident and flawless that American did not stand a chance in today’s match.
Meilen Tu was the only American playing singles that represented USA in Tokyo.
Monica, Capriati and Serena all withdrew from Toyota Cup due to the attack on
“This weekend has an enormous importance for me, because if I triumph in
Toyota Cup the 10th place in the world will not be far away from my sight. By
winning this tournament I can count on being among the 10 best players in the
world. That would be amazing, because I would finish this year above all my
expectations,” said Jelena, who won her first trophy in May this year at the
Italian Open in Roma.
Semifinals will be more than interesting. Jelena will play Belgian Kim Clijsters,
number 1 seed, who defeated number 7 seed Tamarine Tanasugarn of Thailand with
6:3, 6:1. Judging by the result of both matches we can conclude that Jelena and
Kim masterminded the same games. They both lost four games in two sets that each
of them played at the Toyota Princess Cup today. Jelena and Kim have
played three times so far. Eighteen years old Jeca, the 11th player in the
world, won their first meeting at last year's Fed Cup. Two other times that
these two players met Jelena was not too successful. Last time that they played
at the Heineken Trophy in the Netherlands Jelena lost 6:4, 6:2. Kim Clijsters,
this year's French Open runner-up who lost against Jennifer Capriati, has
proclaimed that she is feeling very confident and positive about everything in
Toyota Cup.
This is a good opportunity for Jeca to reap benefits of this match. And these
benefits are pretty much high. Getting more points to capture the place number
10 in the world, continuing her winning streak, 560,000 $ in money prize,
gaining her confidence that she can beat players from the top 10 list, evening
the score of wins in matches that Kim and Jeca played against each other (played
3 matches where Kim leads 2:1 in wins), and so on.
What to say in the end? This is going to be a heck of a match between two 18
years old players from the top of worlds tennis.
Here is some info on Jeca's next opponent!
Kim Clijsters of Belgium
Bree, Belgium
Birthdate: June 8, 1983
Birthplace: Bilzen, Belgium
Height: 5' 8 1/2" (1.74 m)
Weight: 150 lbs. (68 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 4
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 2
Grand Slam titles: 0
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 3
WINNER: Stanford
FINALIST: Roland Garros, Indian Wells, 's-Hertogenbosch
SEMIFINALIST: Bol, Knokke-Heist
QUARTERFINALIST: Wimbledon, Scottsdale, Los Angeles
FOURTH ROUND: Australian Open, Miami
FINALIST: Wimbledon (w/Sugiyama), Scottsdale (w/Shaughnessy), 's-Hertogenbosch
SEMIFINALIST: San Diego (w/Sugiyama)
THIRD ROUND: Australian Open (w/Courtois), Roland Garros (w/Courtois)
September. 2001- Jelena powered her way
into quarterfinals !!
By Milan
best Yugoslavian tennis player and the 11th player in the world Jelena Dokic
made it to the third round (quarterfinals) of international WTA tournament,
which is being played in Tokyo for the prize of 565.000 $.
After receiving a first round bye Jelena defeated Russian Lina Krasnoroutskaya
in the second round 6:4, 6:4. Jelena, the third seed, did not have an easy job
against unseeded Russian today at Ariake Colosseum. Even though Jelena recorded
one more victory today she was not satisfied with her play in this match.
“I’m not satisfied with what I showed today in my match. It’s evident that
I did not play well, but it was enough to win. I’m glad that I passed through
this hard match because Lina Krasnoroutskaya was playing a good game – Jelena
said”. Jelena also mentioned that she still feels the jet lag caused by a long
trip from America to Japan.
Jelena is finally showing some consistency in her games. She’s lost her final
match against Monica Seles last week in Brazil. Except that match, Jelena’s
been on a winning run since the US Open quarterfinals. That’s a very positive
improvement for Jeca who is aiming to capture her second title after she won
Italian Open in May. We are all pleased to see Jeca getting some consistency in
the last couple of tournaments.
In the third round Jeca will meet American Tu Meilen who defeated Lizel Huber of
South Africa by 6:7( 6:8 ), 6:1, 7:5. Meilen is the only American playing
singles in Japan because Capriati, Seles, and Serena backed out due to the
attack on America.
Here is some info on Jeca's next opponent.

Porter Ranch, California, USA
Birthdate: January 17, 1978
Birthplace: Tarzana, California, USA
Height: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Weight: 100 lbs. (45 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro (October 31, 1994)
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 1
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 0
Grand Slam titles: 0
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 4
WINNER: Auckland
THIRD ROUND: Amelia Island
SEMIFINALIST: 's-Hertogenbosch (w/Glass)
QUARTERFINALIST: Nice (w/Dhenin), Charleston (w/Kolbovic)
Go Jeca !
Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia
smashes a serve against Meilen Tu of the United States during the
quarterfinals of the Toyota Princess Cup women's tennis tournament in
Tokyo, September 21, 2001. Dokic beat Tu 6-2, 6-2. (Kimimasa Mayama/Reuters) |
Toyota Princess Cup
Singles Quarterfinals
Gala Leon Garcia (ESP) d Ai Sugiyama (JPN) 6/4 6/3
(2) Jelena Dokic (YUG) d Meilen Tu (USA) 6/2 6/2
(1)Kim Clijsters (BEL) d (7)Tamarine Tanasugarn (THA) 6/3 6/1
Bell Challenge
Second round - Singles
Alexandra Stevenson (USA #111) def. No. 7 Lilia Osterloh (USA #59) 6-4,
No. 4 Iva Majoli (CRO #37)def. Alena Vaskova (CZE #124) 6-3 6-2
No. 8 Jana Nejedly (CAN #89) def. Maria Vento-Kabchi (VEN #143) 6-2, 6-1
No. 3 Anne Kremer (LUX #36) def. Catalina Castano (COL #116) 6-4, 6-2
No. 5 Jennifer Hopkins (USA #54) def. Adriana Serra-Zanetti (ITA #112) 6-3, 6-2
Samantha Reeves (USA #144) def. No. 6 Nathalie Dechy (FRA #50) 0-6, 6-1, 6-2
No. 1 Meghann Shaughnessy (USA #12) def. Greta Arn (GER #119) 6-3,6-1
Martina Sucha (SVK #100) def. No. 2 Silvia Farina Elia (ITA #15) 3-6, 6-4, 7-6
Doubles Quarterfinals
No. 2 S. Jeyaseelan (CAN)/L. Osterloh (USA) def. N. Dechy (FRA)/Ma Eve
Pelletier (CAN) 6-2, 6-3
K. Ionesco (CAN)/A. Kremer (LUX) def. No. 4 K. Grant (RSA)/A. Spears (USA)
7-6(3), 6-7(6), 6-4
S. Reeves (USA)/A Serra Zanetti def. A. Barna (GER)/E. Callens (BEL)6-4, 6-3
No. 5 R. Kolbovich (CAN)/M. Vento-Kabchi (VEN) def. M. Marois (CAN)/D. Srebrovic
(CAN) 6-3, 6-1
September. 2001- Dokic
finished second in Brazil
Ljubisa Bojic
was 6-3, 6-3 and Dokic of Yugoslavia finished second in Brazil against Monica
Selez who is ex-Yugoslav tennis player. After that victory Dokic will
participate at Toyota Princes cup in Tokyo, Japan. She should play her
first match in Thursday as she dropped doubles competition because she wants to
focus herself on entering top 10. Stay tuned at message board and front page
Breaking news as information will come hour by hour.
Jelena Dokic said: "I
am a bit disappointed by the way I played today, especially since I had only
lost 10 games on my way to the final," Dokic said. "Monica served very
well and I was unable to dictate the points since I was not serving well."
Jelena also added this: "My goal was to reach the final and I did it
although it would have been nice to win the tournament."
is one more statement of Jelena from Brazil. It is in Serbian language and from
"Blic" newspapers.
More than all I want to win this tournament. It's been a long time from my first
title and I think that I'm on a good way to triumph. I feel great in Brazil and
I play in a good form, which was seen from two previous matches, said Jelena
Dokic, who defeated Croatian Iva Majoli with 6:1, 6:2 before she defeated
Samanta Rivs.
We know that Jelena's wishes did not come true but there is lots of time for it.
Monika Selez quoted:
"It was a very close match despite the scores. Jelena was playing
aggressively and not missing many balls. She was going for the lines. I tried to
raise the level of my game and to play better tennis."
Sanex WTA Tour A Letter
From Sanex WTA Tour CEO Bart McGuire and COO Josh Ripple Friday, September 14,
As we end this very
difficult week, we would like to provide an update on Tour actions related to
the tragic events in the United States. The Sanex WTA Tour staff has spent a
large amount of time over the past few days in consultation with our security
advisors to make operational decisions involving our Tournaments and Players in
Hawaii and Brazil. We have focused equal attention on next week's events in
Quebec City, Canada and Tokyo, Japan. In addition, we are assessing plans for
the balance of the season in light of events that might occur outside the tennis
world. The Sanex WTA Tour decided this week to continue play in Hawaii and
Brazil after communication with our staff, Tournament officials and security
advisors. In Hawaii, we did cancel matches on Tuesday out of respect for the
horrific human devastation in the United States and in the interest of security
for our Players, fans and staff. In addition, in observance of today's National
Day of Mourning in the United States, there will be no match play in Hawaii
between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. local time and a moment of silence will be
observed prior to start of play. There have been questions about whether we
should cancel or postpone future Tournaments, mainly because of security or
logistical issues. We have concluded, after consultation with our security
advisors, that it is appropriate to continue with the Tour as scheduled, but
with some adjustments. Due to immediate logistical concerns, we have postponed
the start of our qualifying in Quebec City and Tokyo by one day, and we will
continue to monitor the situation in case further adjustments might be needed.
We have also informed our Players and Tournaments that the Tour will not enforce
its rules regarding Player withdrawals next week in order to respect the
Players' personal needs and concerns relating to this catastrophe. Finally, we
have requested that all Sanex WTA Tour Players and Tournaments pay tribute to
the thousands of people, not only Americans, who have lost their lives or are
missing. We are also considering how the Tour can contribute to the relief
efforts currently underway. On behalf of the Sanex WTA Tour Players and staff,
we extend our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims of these
Most sincerely,
Bart McGuire Josh
Ripple Chief Exectuvie Officer Chief Operating Officer Sanex WTA Tour Sanex WTA
Brasil Open
No. 1 Monica Seles (USA #8) def. No. 2 Jelena Dokic (YUG
#13) 6-3, 6-3
Hawaii, Women's
Semifinal Results, Saturday, Semptember 15, 2001
No. 1 Justine Henin (BEL) d. No. 4 Lisa Raymond (USA) 62, 62
No. 2 Sandrine Testud (FRA d. Marissa Irvin (USA) 60, 61
September. 2001- In Brazil semi-finales should be stepped with
By Milan
into finales She has just beaten Rossana De Los Rios 6:0,6:2 and
will most feasibly play against Monica Seles for the title. Judging by the
result the match was a smooth sailing for Jelena and it is certainly encouraging
before the finales match. If Jeca wins against Monica it will be the first win
vs. her childhood idol. From the past we all know that matches between these two
players were always tight and it is reasonable to expect the same kind of match
this time. Experience against the youth and power. By playing this tournament in
Brazil Jelena has already collected enough points to move to #11 spot in WTA
rankings. Jelena longs to win this match because it will be a tremendous
boon for her striving to capture the #10 in WTA rankings. Not only will she be
closer to #10 in the world but also she will earn a reasonable amount of money.
The winner of the tournament will capture 100 000$. I for one expect
Jelena to make the cut against Monica and prove that she is the one to count on
in the future.
You can do it Jelena, for you and for us the second title in your bright
Sarasota, Florida, USA
Birthdate: December 2,
Birthplace: Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
Height: 5' 10 1/2" (1.79 m)
Weight: 154 lbs. (70 kg)
Plays: Left-handed (two-handed forehand and backhand)
Status: Pro (February 13, 1989)
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 48
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 6
Grand Slam titles: 9 singles
WINNER: Oklahoma City
QUARTERFINALIST: Australian Open, Sydney
SEMIFINALIST: Australian Open (w/Hingis); Sydney (w/Hingis)
QUARTERFINALIST: Scottsdale (w/Capriati)
Brazil, Singles semifinals
(2) Jelena Dokic (YUG) d Rossana De Los Rios (PAR) 6/0 6/2
(1)Monica Seles (USA) d (5)Henrieta Nagyova (SVK) 7/5 5/7 6/3
Doubles Final
Amanda Coetzer/Lori McNeil d (2) Nicole Arendt/Patricia Tarabini 6/7(8)
6/2 6/4
Order of Play – Saturday 15th September 2001
Centre court – 10.45am ATP Match
F/b ATP Match
F/b Not before 1.30pm Singles Final
(1) Monica Seles (USA) vs (2) Jelena Dokic (YUG)
Results from Wednesday, September 13, 2001, First Round
Singles Results:
No. 1 Justine Henin (BEL) d. Evie Dominikovic (AUS) 62, 60
Nicole Pratt (AUS) d. Rachel McQuillan (AUS) 63, 61
Jill Craybas (USA) d. Erika De Lone (USA) 63, 64
No. 4 Lisa Raymond (USA) d. Saori Obata (JPN) 62, 36, 64
Janet Lee (TPE) d. (Q) Nathalie Grandin (RSA) 64, 62
(Q) Adrienn Hegedus (HUN) d. Rita Kuti Kis (HUN) 36, 64, 61
No. 7 Meilen Tu (USA) d. (LL) Els Callens (BEL) 36, 63, 62
(WC) Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS) d. Pavlina Nola (NZL) 62, 61
No. 5 Amy Frazier (USA) d. Cara Black (ZIM) 64, 63
Alina Jidkova (RUS) d. Alicia Molik (AUS) 64, 61
Katarina Srebotnik (SLO) d. (Q) Kelly Liggan (IRL) 63, 60
No. 2 Sandrine Testud (FRA) d. Anca Barna (GER) 62, 75
First Round Doubles:
Barna/Weingartner (GER/GER) d. No. 4 Frazier/Schlukebir (USA/USA) 63, 61
Dominikovic/Irvin (AUS/USA) d. Braverman/Osterloh (USA/USA) 63, 61
No. 3 McQuillan/Sanchez-Vicario (AUS/ESP) d. Grandin/Spears (RSA/USA) 61, 06,
Kapros/Nola (HUN/NZL) d. Chi/Craybas (USA/USA) 62, 26, 62
September. 2001- In Brazil semi-finales should be stepped with
Ljubisa Bojic
After quarter-finales win
in Brazil against Samantha Reeves 6-3, 6-2, Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia will play
in semi-finales against Rossana De Los Rios who defeated 4th seed Silvia Farina
Elia at today's 1st match. Dokic won both matches against Rios and one was on
hard surface last year in Sydney and July this year in Wimbledon. With
determination will and concentration Dokic will do the job.
Data on
Rossana De Los Rios
Date: 16 Sep. 1975
Birth Place: Asuncion, Paraguay
Plays: Right
Pro: 1993
Singles Rank: 75
Madrid Open Singles Quarterfinalist
2001 Sanex Trophy Singles Quarterfinalist
open results, Singles
(2) Jelena Dokic (YUG) d (Q) Samantha Reeves (USA)
6/3 6/2
Rossana De Los Rios (PAR) d (4) Silvia Farina Elia (ITA) 6/3 6/2
(5) Henrietta Nagyova (SVK) d (3) Amanda Coetzer (RSA) 6/1 6/4
(1)Monica Seles (USA) d Tatiana Panova (RUS) 6/1 6/0
Doubles quarterfinal
(resumed from yesterday)
(4)Silvia Farina Elia/Janette Husarova (ITA/SVK) d Lauro Montalvo/Maria Emilia
Salerni (ARG/ARG) 4/6 6/4 6/3
Doubles semifinal
Amanda Coetzer/Lori McNeil (RSA/USA) d Barbara Rittner/Henrietta Nagyova
(GER/SVK) 7/5 6/4
(2)Nicole Arendt/Patricia Tarabini (USA/ARG) d (4) Silvia Farina Elia/Janette
Husarova (ITA/SVK) 3/6 6/4 6/2
Results from Wednesday, September
13, 2001
First Round Singles Results:
No. 1 Justine Henin (BEL) d. Evie Dominikovic (AUS) 62, 60
Nicole Pratt (AUS) d. Rachel McQuillan (AUS) 63, 61
Jill Craybas (USA) d. Erika De Lone (USA) 63, 64
No. 4 Lisa Raymond (USA) d. Saori Obata (JPN) 62, 36, 64
Janet Lee (TPE) d. (Q) Nathalie Grandin (RSA) 64, 62
(Q) Adrienn Hegedus (HUN) d. Rita Kuti Kis (HUN) 36, 64, 61
No. 7 Meilen Tu (USA) d. (LL) Els Callens (BEL) 36, 63, 62
(WC) Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS) d. Pavlina Nola (NZL) 62, 61
No. 5 Amy Frazier (USA) d. Cara Black (ZIM) 64, 63
Alina Jidkova (RUS) d. Alicia Molik (AUS) 64, 61
Katarina Srebotnik (SLO) d. (Q) Kelly Liggan (IRL) 63, 60
No. 2 Sandrine Testud (FRA) d. Anca Barna (GER) 62, 75
First Round Doubles:
Barna/Weingartner (GER/GER) d. No. 4 Frazier/Schlukebir (USA/USA) 63, 61
Dominikovic/Irvin (AUS/USA) d. Braverman/Osterloh (USA/USA) 63, 61
No. 3 McQuillan/Sanchez-Vicario (AUS/ESP) d. Grandin/Spears (RSA/USA) 61, 06,
Kapros/Nola (HUN/NZL) d. Chi/Craybas (USA/USA) 62, 26, 62
September. 2001- Iva Majoli was overcome in Brazil
Ljubisa Bojic
Jelena won her first match
in Brazil against Iva Majoli of Croatia. Result was 6-1, 6-2. Second round was
very good and Jelena have great chances to win current tournament but only if
she get enough will determination and concentration to prevail Monika Selez.
Dokic of Yugoslavia will probably face Samantha Reevers of USA who is apparently
no. 193 in the world. .
Thank god that recent
tragic attacks on New York have not been made during US open. In the next
weekend DokicJelena.com team will try to cover Brazil open in details. As you
may see fantastic analyses have been published by Andrew. Lot's of thanks to him
and take a look at profile of next player that will challenge Jelena.
Monona, Wisconsin, USA
Birthdate: January 17, 1979
Birthplace: Redwood City, California, USA
Height: 5' 8 1/4" (1.73 m)
Weight: 132 lbs. (60 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 0
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 0
Grand Slam titles: 0
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 0
New drawing just came from
Olly. Thanks a lot. No comment on this:

Brazil open, Singles Second Round
Tatiana Panova (RUS) d (WC) Joana Cortez (BRA) 6/1 6/4
(3)Amanda Coetzer (RSA) d Seda Noorlander (NED) 6/2 6/4
(5)Henrietta Nagyova (SVK) d Anastasia Myskina (RUS) w/o * Myskina withdrew
with a throat infection/illness
(1)Monica Seles (USA) d Janette Husarova (SVK) 6/3 1/6 6/0
(Q)Samantha Reeves (USA) d Cristina Torrens Valero (ESP) 6/1 6/2
(2) Jelena Dokic d (WC) Iva Majoli (CRO) 6/1 6/2
Rossana De Los Rios (PAR) d Joanette Kruger (RSA) 7/6(4) 6/4
Doubles Second Round
Amanda Coetzer/Lori McNeil (RSA/USA) d Tatiana Panova/Anastasia Myskina
(2) Nicole Arendt/Patricia Tarabini (USA/ARG) d Bianka Lamade/Patty Schnyder
(GER/SUI) 6/3 6/3
Henrietta Nagyova/Barbara Rittner (SVK/GER) d Joana Cortez/Clarisa Fernandez
(BRA/ARG) 6/0 6/4
Schedule of Play Thursday, 13th September 2001
Centre Court – 9.45am Coetzer vs Nagyova
F/b ATP Match
F/b Seles vs Panova
F/b ATP matches
Court 1 – 10.00am Reeves vs Dokic
F/b ATP Match
F/b Coetzer/McNeil vs Nagyova/Rittner
Court 2 – 10.00am De Los Rios vs Farina Elia
F/b ATP match
F/b after suitable rest Montalvo Salerni or Farina Elia/Husarova vs Arendt/Tarabini
Court 6 – TBA after suitable rest for Farina Elia
To be finished 6/4 4/6 1/1
Montalvo/Salerni vs Farina Elia/Husarova
Hawaii, First Round Singles:
No. 6 Marlene Weingartner (GER) d. Catalina Castano (COL) 63, 64
No. 8 Lilia Osterloh (USA) d. Tagifano So'onalole (SAM) 61, 64
Marissa Irvin (USA) d. Aniko Kapros (HUN) 61, 46, 63
No. 3 Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (ESP) d. Tara Snyder (USA) 63, 63
First Round Doubles:
No. 1 Callens/Pratt (BEL/AUS) d. De Lone/De Villiers (USA/RSA) 64, 62
Jidkova/Liggan (RUS/IRL) d. Hill/Schenck (USA/USA) 61, 60
No. 2 Krizan/Srebotnik (SLO/SLO) d. Cooper/Vasisht (USA/IND) 63, 60
September. 2001-
In-Depth Analysis
Before Jelena can become the top player that her
talent deserves - up there with
Monica, Hingis, the Williams sisters, Davenport and Capriati - she must
into why she won the first three games and then lost 12 of the next 13. My
1. Intensity is one of Jelena's virtues, but it may be that she can be TOO
intense at times, and the storm can blow itself out. There was an article
Tennis World about players who play with maximum intensity all the time,
particularly juniors, who tend to have scores like 0-6 6-0 6-0. I think
needs to learn to vary her intensity according to the momentum of the
2. Jelena likes to go for her shots all the time, which is one of the main
reasons I'm a Jelena fan, but her criticisers say that she lacks variety
tactical awareness, and she needs to address this. She needs to have a
Plan B,
to try different things when her `A' game isn't working. She needs to
focus on
moving her opponent round the court, rather than just focusing on going
for her
shots one at a time. I know she can play spreading rallies, hit dropshots,
angles, lobs, sliced backhands and volleys, but it's her shot selection
than execution) and her point construction, that I have doubts about. She
do a lot worse than to study Hingis's game, which teaches a lot about
3. Psychological factors probably come into it as well. It's mentally
when you're playing well, but the bubble bursts and you're suddenly
to win any more games. Jelena needs to forget what led up to the current
scoreline, and stay in the now. Jelena plays her best when she feels she
nothing to lose, which is how she went into this match, but at 3-0 up she
probably thinking she should win, knowing that Hingis is vulnerable, which
a lot of pressure on her.
4. I think Jelena's tournament schedule has been way too heavy. She's
barely had
a week off since the Ericsson Open in March, so she must be jaded, and her
results haven't been terribly impressive since winning the Italian Open.
needs to stop aiming for ranking points directly, and instead optimise her
schedule so that she's fresh and raring to go at every tournament she
Forget the Tier III/IV tournaments - with her talent and ability, she
just play Tier I/II tournaments (in moderation) and the Grand Slams.
At least from what I've heard Hingis played superbly, despite having
looked very
vulnerable in recent months. We have to blame Hingis for the defeat as
well as
September. 2001- Dokic EMPORIUM
Ljubisa Bojic
There are many rumors that
famous and most prestigious fashion designer Giorgo Armani plans to open new
store called Sporting Armani and therefore to complete his life-style fashion
stores collection which include Giorgo Armani, Armani Colleztioni, Armani
Jeans, Armani exchange, Armani parfums, Armani cosmetics etc. New chain of
Armani sporting stores will show up after his brand new Armani casa furniture
collection shops open around the globe in New York, Hong Kong etc. According to rumors
in press circles Jelena Dokic would be one player model who will represent new
sporting fashion collection of Giorgo Armani. Two weeks ago Armani gave an
exclusive interview to the Newsweek where he said that he will take the business
in his hands and expand it around the world by promoting Giorgo Armani complete
life style. Casa Armani will be hi first step in expanding his Emporium. Few
tennis players will be his models to promote new sporting collection which
should conquer world of sport. If it is true that is certainly the good
news which could improve Jelena's financial situation and make her enter in a
list of tennis players who have highest earnings.
Well Jelena Dokic will not
take a break after all. She will play at Brazil open starting tomorrow as second
seed. Dokic received bye in first round. In the second round she will face Iva
majoli or qualifier. In doubles competition Dokic is 1st seed and will pair up
with Virginia Ruano-Pascal against qualifier in the first round of Brazil
open. On her side of the draw are Silvia Farina-Elia, Cristina Torrens Valero,
Patty Schnyder. Monica Selez could play aginst Dokic at the finales.
The second rumor that goes
all around us these days is that Jelena is dating with tennis player Tommy
Roberto of Spain. This picture have been on DokicJelena.com since Poland Idea
Prokom open which is the time Jelena and Roberto apparently started dating each
other. Is it truth or not???
Jelena Dokic and ATP up-and-comer
Tommy Robredo at the Idea Prokom Open in Sopot. |
Jelena Dokic and ATP up-and-comer
Tommy Robredo joined tennis legend Guillermo Vilas for a kids' clinic on
centre court at the Idea Prokom Open in Sopot. |
Rankings update just came
in our news department. Dokic is 12th tennis player on the world with 1684.00
rank points and 612.00 qual. points. MEGHANN SHAUGHNESSY who is 11th on wta tour
has 1756.00 rank points and Jelena could overcome her in short time notice
because of difference of 72 points.
Biography of Iva majoli of
Croatia who will probably face Jelena Dokic in second round of Brazil open.
Zagreb, Croatia and Bradenton, Florida, USA
Birthdate: August 12, 1977
Birthplace: Zagreb, Croatia
Height: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Weight: 134 lbs. (61 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro (August 1991)
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 7
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 1
Grand Slam titles: 1 singles
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 2
QUARTERFINALIST: Tokyo [Pan Pacific]
THIRD ROUND: Australian Open, Miami, Charleston
Open, Saturday September 8 results, Singles Final:
(4)Venus Williams (USA) d. (10)Serena Williams (USA) 6-2 6-4
September. 2001- Thinking about the next to come
Ljubisa Bojic
next tournament will be in Japan or Europe. If Dokic decides that she need a
break in her Florida house it would be great chance to take off that psychological
stress, relax, practice and get back to action fresh.
She was non-concentrated and
Yugoslav lost 4th round New York US open match in Monday from world number
one Martina Hingis herself. She was 3-0 lead when everything went downhill. Now
we have chance present Dokic's interview from press conference held just after
the match. Depressed Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia did not want to speak a lot
because her un-expectable performance in Monday.
Martina Hingis said: "She (Dokic) came out hitting the ball hard and
flat," said Hingis. "I tried to just play my game, putting more
topspin on it and getting everything back I could. In the second set, her game
fell apart a little.''
Take a look at the new interview from our updated interview
US OPEN 2001
September 2, 2001
M. HINGIS/J. Dokic 6-4, 6-0
An interview with: JELENA DOKIC
MODERATOR: Questions for Jelena.
Q. At Love-3, could you explain what you think sort of happened?
JELENA DOKIC: I don't know. I just lost my concentration a little bit. I
started to miss a little bit more. I was going for a little bit too much.
know, I didn't expect her to play as well as she did. She actually, you
played well. I didn't break her there at 3-2, and I had a couple
Mentally, I went down and lost my serve. That's where everything went down
hill after that.
Q. How frustrated were you by that first set result?
JELENA DOKIC: I mean it was mentally very -- I mean, especially having 3-Love,
break up. You know, even though I lost my serve at 3-1, I still had chances
3-2. I was unlucky to lose that game. That's where I went down. You know,
though I lost the first set, though, I sort of tried to regroup. I just,
went for too much, and she didn't miss.
Q. To lose a love set there in the second set, is this going to be a loss
is going to be difficult for you to get over or won't it be a setback for you?
JELENA DOKIC: It won't be a setback. I'll be thinking about it. It's never
to lose. But, you know, I lost to the No. 1 player in the world. You know, I
a close first set. But, you know, it's just something I have to learn from
have to try and improve on next time. You know, it won't be a huge setback,
I'm definitely disappointed.
Q. What is your schedule for the rest of the year? How many tournaments are
going to play?
JELENA DOKIC: I'm playing some in Europe. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to
Maybe take some time off because I've been playing quite a few tournaments.
Q. Are you a little jaded? Have you played too much?
JELENA DOKIC: No. I think it's my first year full-time. I'm not really
(inaudible) yet. I like playing a lot of matches, so it's not a problem for
I think sometimes you just need a break. Physically and mentally I'm a
bit, you know, feeling it right now. So maybe a week or two won't hurt.
Q. There's a feeling about Martina that the game has gotten a little too big
her, that to win a Slam again, she's going to have to get by too many big
hitters. Do you believe that or do you think she can win again, a Slam?
JELENA DOKIC: You know, it's very difficult. She has the game. It's just a
matter of, you know, she struggles with the big hitters, she struggles
them, beating two or three of them in a row. That's a big task to beat maybe
Williams sister, then two, then maybe Lindsay and maybe Jennifer. You know,
something that she's struggling with right now. You know, she's won Slams
before. I definitely think she has a chance. You can never count her out.
it's getting tougher for her. You know, it's just a matter of she hasn't
playing that well. You know, I think, I felt like today she did play well. But
think she'll probably still struggle against the bigger hitters.
Tuesday September 4 results: Singles Quarterfinals:
(1)Martina Hingis (SUI) d. Daja Bedanova (CZE) 6-2 6-0
(10)Serena Williams (USA) d. (3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) 6-3 6-7(7) 7-5
Doubles Quarterfinals:
Sandrine Testud / Roberta Vinci d. (7)Martina Navratilova / Arantxa
Sanchez-Vicario 6-2 4-6 6-4
(1)Lisa Raymond / Rennae Stubbs d. Jennifer Capriati / Martina Hingis 7-6(9) 6-4
September. 2001- Headache because lack of plan B
Ljubisa Bojic
It was 6-4, 6-0, and Dokic lost
from Martina Hingis, but as a consolation we now know what is a problem with Jelena and that presents first and
extremely important step in solving the problem, which we knew it was reality but we did not know
exactly what it was. Last Dokic's match at 4th round of US open gave us many
At the start of the match
Dokic attacked strongly, gained many good points and made 3-0 lead. After
that, her opponent Hingis made comeback as she won next 4 games though in almost
every single one of them deuce was played and players were very equal.
Afterwards Jelena managed to overcome Hingis and won one game to be 4-4. Then
Hingis took a lead making 5-4. It was another equal game with deuce when Hingis
won first set.
In second set Jelena did
panic and was nervous a lot. Problem is not only lack of concentration as we
taught. Jelena did not have plan B and she was depressed. Therefore Yugoslav
rushed and tried to finish every point as fastest as she can. She lost her rhythm
completely. But the real word is that this kind of behavior on court is unacceptable.
It was childish and immature and many of her fans almost got hart attack as she
did not make many returns of ball to Hingis.
When we talk about first
set, we can say that Dokic
had many unforced errors. Therefore she lost first set not because play of
Martina Hingis than because Jelena's own mistakes. Very often she punched ball
to hard that it got over basic line.
As a conclusion Jelena have
to make huge efforts to overcome psychological problem. She has to have plan B
at all times. She cannot be destroyed just because losing one set. She must be aware
that she can come back to kick some ass and be concentrated at all times.
When she overcome that problem, which is not so easy as you think, it will be
lot easier to win anyone including Hingis, Capriati, Davenport etc. After so busy
schedule it is time for Jelena to take a rest and practice hard for next challenges
this time in Asia.
Take a look on new interview
from fresh updated interview section after US open
match against Vicario. Photo section is updated as well,
with photos from fourth
round of US open against Martina Hingis.
Jelena Dokic, of
Yugoslavia returns to Martina Hingis, of Switzerland, at the US Open
tennis tournament in New York, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001. (AP Photo/Mark
Lennihan) |
Jelena Dokic, of
Yugoslavia, returns to Martina Hingis, of Switzerland, at the US Open
tennis tournament in New York, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001. (AP Photo/Mark
Sep 2, 17:08 PT |
(US Open
- New York) Jelena Dokic signs autographs for the New York fans.
Martina Hingis,
of Switzerland, returns to Jelena Dokic, of Yugoslavia, at the US Open
tennis tournament in New York, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001. Hingis defeated
Dokic 6-4, 6-0. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
Sep 2, 17:54 PT |
Martina Hingis,
of Switzerland, returns to Jelena Dokic, of Yugoslavia, at the US Open
tennis tournament in New York, Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001. (AP Photo/Beth A.
Sep 2, 18:11 PT |
Melanie Molitor,
mother of Martina Hingis, watches her daughter play against Yugoslavia's
Jelena Dokic at the US Open on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001 in New York. (AP
Photo/Mark Lennihan)
Sep 2, 18:25 PT |
Open: Sunday September 2 results: Singles fourth round:
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (21)Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) 6-3 0-6 6-3
Daja Bedanova (CZE) d. (7)Monica Seles (USA) 7-5 4-6 6-3
(10)Serena Williams (USA) d. (6)Justine Henin (BEL) 7-5 6-0
(1)Martina Hingis (SUI) d. (14)Jelena Dokic (YUG) 6-4 6-0
Doubles second round:
(1)Lisa Raymond / Rennae Stubbs d. Sonya Jeyaseelan / Lina
Krasnoroutskaya 6-4 6-2
(4)Kimberly Po-Messerli / Nathalie Tauziat d. Laurence Courtois / Alicia Molik
6-3 6-3
Sandrine Testud / Roberta Vinci d. (2)Virginia Ruano Pascual / Paola Suarez 6-3
September. 2001- She is a bomb that blow away Vicario
Ljubisa Bojic
third round of New York US open, Jelena Dokic of Yugoslavia defeated A. Sanchez-Vicario
6-4, 7-5. Dokic will face world number one Martina Hingis in 4th round of
tournament held in Flushing Meadow. Good thing is that Hingis is not fit and
form so she can not gain momentum. Yesterday's match against Iva Majoli of
Croatia 4-6 6-4 7-6(5) shows that clearly. Match of supreme importance for
Jelena against Hingis will be played in Sunday. Dokic has great chances to win
that match if she keeps concentrate and establishes her rhythm thru the match.
If the spectacular victory for Yugoslav occurs, she will enter top ten very
soon, which is highly important. In doubles competition, Dokic advanced to
second round where she and her partner Nadia Petrova will face Tina Krizan and
Katarina Srebotnik both from Slovenia. Jelena should explore doubles because
that is the area in which she can be number one for sure.
Photo section is updated
with 13 photos from third round of US open and third round of Canadian open:
Dokic, of Yugoslavia, serves to Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario, of Spain, at the
US Open tennis tournament in New York, Friday, Aug. 31, 2001. Dokic
defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 7-5. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) |
Dokic, of Yugoslavia, returns to Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario, of Spain, at the
US Open tennis tournament in New York, Friday, Aug. 31, 2001. Dokic
defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 7-5. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) |
Dokic, of Yugoslavia, reacts during her match against Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario,
of Spain, at the US Open tennis tournament in New York, Friday, Aug. 31,
2001. Dokic defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 7-5. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) |
Dokic, of Yugoslavia, reacts to winning the first set against Arantxa
Sanchez-Vicario, of Spain, at the US Open tennis tournament in New York,
Friday, Aug. 31, 2001. Dokic defeated Sanchez-Vicario 6-4, 7-5. (AP
Photo/Kathy Willens) |
photos from our Toronto correspondent (third round against
Monika Selez) |
Trubbach, Switzerland, and Saddlebrook, Florida, USA
Birthdate: September 30, 1980
Birthplace: Kosice, Slovakia
Height: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Weight: 130 lbs. (59 kg)
Plays: Right-handed (two-handed backhand)
Status: Pro (October 14, 1994)
Sanex WTA TOUR singles titles: 38
Sanex WTA TOUR doubles titles: 34
Grand Slam titles: 5 singles, 8 doubles
ITF Women's Circuit singles titles: 2
WINNER: Sydney, Doha, Dubai
FINALIST: Australian Open, Tokyo [Pan Pacific], Charleston
SEMIFINALIST: Roland Garros, Indian Wells, Miami, German Open, Italian Open, San
Los Angeles
US Open Friday August 31 results:
Singles third round:
(7)Monica Seles (USA) d. (Q)Eleni Daniilidou (GRE) 6-2 6-3
(1)Martina Hingis (SUI) d. Iva Majoli (CRO) 4-6 6-4 7-6(5)
(14)Jelena Dokic (YUG) d. (20)Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (ESP) 6-4 7-5
Daja Bedanova (CZE) d. (12)Meghann Shaughnessy (USA) 6-4 6-1
(10)Serena Williams (USA) d. Martina Sucha (SVK) 6-1 6-0
(21)Elena Likhovtseva (RUS) d. (Q)Barbara Schwartz (AUT) 6-7(6) 7-5 6-4
(6)Justine Henin (BEL) d. Miroslava Vavrinec (SUI) 6-3 6-2
(3)Lindsay Davenport (USA) d. (27)Angeles Montolio (ESP) 6-3 6-2
Doubles second round:
(Q)Evie Dominikovic / Marissa Irvin d. Janette Husarova/Elena
Dementieva w/o
(1)Rennae Stubbs / Lisa Raymond d. Petra Mandula / Patricia Wartusch 6-1
Laurence Courtois / Alicia Molik d. (16)Magui Serna / Patricia Tarabini
6-4 6-1
(4)Kimberly Po-Messerli / Nathalie Tauziat d. Liezel Huber/Laura Montalvo 6-4
Sandrine Testud / Roberta Vinci (FRA/ITA d. (15)Anke Huber / Barbara Schett
6-2 6-2
Els Callens / Chanda Rubin (BEL/USA) d. Silvia Farina Elia / Iroda Tulyaganova
7-6(5) 6-4
(2)Virginia Ruano Pascual/Paola Suarez d. (WC)Megan Bradley/Erin Burdette
6-1 6-2
(WC)Whitney Laiho/Jessica Lehnhoff d. Emmanuelle Gagliardi/Meilen Tu
6-3 6-7(3) 6-3
Jennifer Capriati / Martina Hingis d. (12)Amy Frazier / Katie Schlukebir
6-2 6-2